Second Trimester - Bliss!
By Tanya Blackstar - 09:15
Second Trimester = Week 13 - 28
Me at 23 weeks with my brother and my friend P
If you've been following my blog you'll know the trauma that I went through for the first trimester of my pregnancy. If you missed that post you can read it here
For all the women who are yet to be Mums and totally put off by my previous blog post - fear not! It gets better, it really does! I felt pretty amazing all throughout my second trimester and have been so excited to write this post because I hated how the first one seemed to be all doom and gloom. Now for the happy, positive stuff.......!
So week 13 of my pregnancy I arrived back in London (officially in my 2nd trimester) still feeling quite poorly but excited for my first ultrasound scan to see my baby. I was incredibly nervous the night before, so much so that I couldn't sleep and the next day and was vomiting more than usual which in hindsight was probably down to the nerves. Although I'd only been pregnant for 13 weeks, I felt so protective and already worried about the little human being growing inside me.
As I lay down on the hospital bed with my Mum to my left (my bladder about to burst!) my heart was racing. The sonographer spread the warm jelly on my lower abdomen and we were off! There my little baby was. Moving and wriggling around... I'm actually welling up writing this, reliving the emotions... I can't even explain the pride and joy that came over me seeing my little baby moving around. Michael & I had created this little life, and it was real, right there in front of me. I wished more than anything he could have been there to see our baby but I promised to send him pictures and updates as soon as I got out. The sonographer confirmed that everything looked fine and bubba was healthy and growing at a good rate. That's my baby, I thought with pride!
It was such a great feeling to finally know what was growing inside me and narrowed down our baby name search.
I was still sick until the beginning of week 14 when the nausea miraculously stopped.
I woke up one morning and I didn't feel like I was out at sea. I didn't want to jinx myself so I didn't celebrate until week 15 when I was still feeling good. I was able to eat as normal (with the exception of spicy food) and my skin started to glow, my bump was growing steadily and I genuinely just felt so happy! Finally!!! I caught up with friends and allowed myself to get excited at the prospect of becoming a mummy.
At 27 weeks
I bought my first purchase from Zara, the cutest little outfit that I just had to share with you all....
You can find this cute outfit on the Zara website here
I think this will probably be baby's returning home from the hospital outfit. And you could probably guess from the colour scheme that....
So excited! I had my second scan at 20 weeks where they told me the bigheaded baby inside my womb is a boy! I had guessed anyway but it just made it seem more real. Now when I talk to my belly I know it's a boy in there and the connection feels even stronger. It was so nice when Michael came over in March because we booked a private scan and they showed us our boys private parts :-) proud Mum & Dad moment!
I'm now in my third trimester and looking forward to giving birth to our baby and finally meeting him.
Last trimester update coming soon.
Love, Tanya xo