Things I Love About My Life

By Tanya Blackstar - 03:55

As human beings I think we have an intrinsic tendency to dwell on things that make us unhappy or remind us why we're not good enough; comparing our achievements to those around us, wishing we looked like that celebrity we see on TV, worrying about how much money we have (or don't have) ... all these things which lead us to doubt ourselves and our self-worth.

One thing I try to practice always is Gratitude.

Never underestimate the power of gratitude...

“Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.” ~Sri Chinmoy

So in my bid to try and exercise gratitude, I have decided to write a list of 10 things I'm grateful for in my life.

My family
~ One thing that has been consistent throughout my life is my close family unit. We laugh, we cry, we act crazy together. Love them.

 My life ~ I'm here, I'm alive, I'm breathing the fresh air, I can see the sun shining through my window, this is nothing a miracle.

 My endless opportunities~ When I think of all the things I've been able to do in my life so far: I've been to university and got a world class degree, I've travelled to many continents, I've got a job where I can make money and buy myself nice things...These things are easily taken for granted. Not everyone has the access to a great education or the chance to work and make money, or travel and see the world. 

Gratitude magnifies the value of what you have, and then attracts even more <3

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