"What are your hobbies?"

By Tanya Blackstar - 13:41

Someone asked me yesterday what my hobbies were and my face was like this....

The more I tried to rack my brains the more frustrated I got... How can I not have any hobbies?? Yeah I read and I like to go shopping but those aren't real hobbies.

I then decided that from this very day forward I shall have some hobbies. I have thought of a few so far but I want to start with two at first...



Flower Arranging



Learn a new language 

I will probably start with cooking and painting at first so expect blog posts of food and ridiculous drawings. (I cannot paint or draw to save my life) But sod it, nobody ever said you had to be good at the hobbies you do did they?

What are your hobbies anyway little critters? Leave me a comment and let me know what you get up to in your spare time when you're not working or studying or being a Mum or whatever it is.

I might even steal some of your ideas. Ha.

I will be a woman with many hobbies.

tanya hearts

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  1. I like to bake and cook, too; it's so therapeutic. My other hobbies include going to art galleries - I love art and there are a lot of free exhibitions. I also love fountain pens; it is a rather strange hobby, but nothing quite beats the feeling of putting ink to paper.

    1. Cooking really is therapeutic, especially with a glass of wine and your favourite music playing in the background...bliss. Which exhibitions do you go to? My friend & I want to start attending them as I've only every been to one which was years ago now.

      Fountain pens, that's a different hobby but I know what you mean because I LOVE writing so I guess fountain pens just heighten that experience even more for you. Thanks for commenting and I hope you enjoy the rest of my blog. Xoxo.

  2. I love the National Portrait Gallery; it's amazing - lots of free exhibitions throughout the year. There are paintings and photographs, so there is something for everyone :) Try going to the BP portrait award, which runs yearly starting in the summer.

    Tate Modern/Britain is also really good, as is Somerset House (location is wonderful - I think there is even an ice rink at the moment!) I think you would really enjoy it.

    BBC Good Food is a great resource for free recipes, which are all tested and amazing.

    Hehe you should definitely try out fountain pens, again; you'll be amazed at the variety of ink choices that don't even exist with biros.

    No problem. I love your blog and style of writing. I'll be checking back more frequently xxx

  3. I forgot to add going to the theatre. I've been on quite a few occasions and have seen Ghost Stories, the Lion King, Midsummer night's dream, the Woman in Black, Fame, Guys and dolls and the Woman in Black. I also went to see the Nutcracker ballet which was also quite good, but much prefer going to the theatre!
